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    This section is for number 1 to 10

    This is growth spurt time, kids …(1) about 20% of adult height and 50% of adult weight during … (2). Because growth and … (3) is so rapid during this period, the requirements for all nutrients increase. This is especially true of calcium and … (4). The best way to … (5) teen dietary changes is by … (6) information about short-term consequences that they can relate to: appearance, athletic ability, popularity and… (7) of life, because these are more important to most teens than long-term health. Calcium will … (8) them grow taller during their growth spurt. Iron will help them … (9) better on tests and … (10)

    1. The correct answer is ...

    a. gen
    b. gain
    c. plain
    d. brain
    Jawaban: b
    Jawaban yang benar adalah gain.

    2. The correct answer is ….

    a. add
    b. bread
    c. adolescence
    d. consequences
    Jawaban yang benar adalah adolescence.

    3. The correct answer is ….

    a. change
    b. catch
    c. cage
    d. cat
    Jawaban : a
    Jawaban yang benar adalah change.

    4. The correct answer is

    a. gone
    b. cone
    c. freon
    d. iron
    Jawaban: d
    Jawaban yang benar adalah iron.

    5. The correct answer is …

    a. make
    b. take
    c. fake
    d. bake
    Jawaban: a
    Jawaban yang benar adalah make.

    6. The correct answer is ….

    a. bringing
    b. taking
    c. presenting
    d. changing
    Jawaban yang benar adalah presenting.

    7. The correct answer is ….

    a. garment
    b. enjoyment
    c. government
    d. excitement
    Jawaban : b
    Jawaban yang benar adalah enjoyment.

    8. The correct answer is ….

    a. sleep
    b. slept
    c. pulp
    d. help
    Jawaban : d
    Jawaban yang benar adalah help.

    9. The correct answer is ….

    a. do
    b. foe
    c. you
    d. blue
    Jawaban : a
    Jawaban yang benar adalah do.

    10. The correct answer is ….

    a. say
    b. bye
    c. stay
    d. play
    Jawaban : c
    Jawaban yang benar adalah stay.

    Text for number 11 to 16

    Fax Machine

    Fax, the short term for facsimile is a telecommunications technology used to transfer copies (facsimiles) of documents, especially using affordable devices operating over the telephone network. The word telefax, short for telefacsimile, for “make a copy at a distance”, is also used as a synonym. The device is also 1known as a telecopier in certain industries. When sending documents to people at large distances, faxes have a distinct advantage over postal mail in that the delivery is nearly instantaneous, yet its disadvantages in quality and its proprietary format have relegated it to l Ja position beneath email as the prevailing form electronic document tranferral.

    11. What is “fax” short term for?

    a. Faxi
    b. Facsimiles
    c. Telefax
    d. Faxphone
    Jawaban: b
    Jawaban yang tepat adalah facsimiles, lihat kalimat ke-1 pada teks.

    12. What is fax?

    a. Fax is tool for telephone.
    b. Fax is tool to print something.
    c. Fax is tool to transfer copies (facsimiles) of documents.
    d. Fax is tool to type something
    Jawaban: c
    Jawaban yang tepat adalah tool to transfer copies (facsimiles) of documents lihat kalimat ke-1 pada teks.

    13. What is “telefax” short term for?

    a. Facsimiles
    b. Telegram
    c. Telefacsimiles
    d. Electronic male
    Jawaban: c
    Jawaban yang tepat adalah Telefacsimiles lihat kalimat ke-2 pada teks.

    14. What is the other called of telefax?

    a. Fax
    b. Telefacsimiles
    c. E-mail
    d. Telegram
    Jawaban: b
    Jawaban yang tepat adalah Telefacsimiles lihat kalimat ke-2 pada teks.

    15. “… faxes have a distinct advantage over postal mail in that the delivery is nearly mstantenous… “

    a. benefit
    b. useful
    c. income
    d. disadvantage
    Jawaban: d
    Jawaban yang tepat adalah disadvantage (kerugian)

    16. “… telecomunication technology used to transfer copies (facsimiles) of document.”
    What is the meaning of transfer?

    a. Memindahkan
    b. Membuat
    c. Menggandakan
    d. Mencetak
    Jawaban: a
    Jawaban yang tepat adalah memindahkan.

    17. Anna: Was Indonesia team as strong as Japan?
    Cindy: No, I think Japan was stronger than Indonesia.
    Ana:But … China, Japan or Indonesia?
    Cindy: China.

    a. Which team is the strongest
    b. Which team is the weakest.
    c. Which country plays better.
    d. Which country plays the fastest
    Jawaban: a
    Jawaban yang tepat adalah Which team is the strongest, degree of comparasion jenis superlatif (paling).

    18. Jane: Do you want to join us for the coming holiday?
    Gina: Where are you going?
    Jane: To Pangandaran beach.
    Gina: … My family plans to visit my grandfather in the village.

    a. I am certain
    b. That’s a good idea
    c. I don’t doubt that
    d. I am not sure
    Jawaban: d
    Jawaban yang tepat adalah I am not sure. Gina tidak yakin bisa ikut Jane karena keluarganya mempunyai rencana mengunjungi kakeknya di desa.

    19. Arrange these words into a good sentence Noodles (1) – a bowl (2) – will (3) – of (4) – have (5) – fried (6) – I (7)

    a. 7-3-5-2-4-6-1
    b. 7-3-5-2-6-4-1
    c. 7-3-5-6-1 -4-2
    d. 7-3-5-2-1 -4-6
    Jawaban: a
    Jawaban yang tepat adalah I will have a bowl of fried noodle.

    20. Jack: Do you know about the most famous sport in the world?
    Bob: Yes. That is Olympic games.
    Jack: Yeah. I… with you.

    a. sure
    b. certain
    c. agree
    d. disagree
    Jawaban: c
    Jawaban yang tepat adalah agree.

    21. Ali: I like to hear murotal Al Qur’anul Kareem by reciter Sheikh Ghamidee.
    Muhamad: When…?
    Ali: Tomorrow, at this dormitory.

    a. is borrow me
    b. will you lend me
    c. you borrow
    d. do you borrow it
    Jawaban: b
    Jawaban yang tepat adalah when will you lend me? karena merupakan suatu rencana yang akan dilaksanakan besok.

    22. Saiful: Are they Hammam and Umar?
    Ali: Yes, they are.
    Saiful: Where are they going?
    Ali: I think they… fishing
    Saiful: I love fishing. Let’s join them.

    a. Is going to
    b. Going to
    c. Were going to
    d. Are going to go
    Jawaban: d
    Jawaban yang tepat adalah are going to go, untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan.

    23. Mark: This is my painting, Sir.
    Mr. Rudolph: Wow, I think it is… one.
    Mark: Thank you.

    a. the worst
    b. the worse
    c. the best
    d. the better
    Jawaban: c
    Jawban yang tepat adalah the best, bentuk degree comparison jenis superlative.

    24. James: Which one is better, traveling by taxi or a bus?
    Alexa: Of course by taxi, but traveling by bus… than a taxi.

    a. more expensive
    b. expensive
    c. cheaper
    d. cheap
    Jawaban : c
    James akhirnya memilih akan naik bus setelah diberi tahu Alexa bahwa naik bus lebih murah (cheaper)

    25. Tylor: Why does your father like living in the countryside?
    Eva: Because it is… living in the city.

    a. quite
    b. the quietest
    c. quiter than
    d. as quietest
    Jawaban: c
    Di pedesaan lebih tenang (quiter than) dari pada di kota

    26. Rosa: Do you like listening to the radio?
    Linda: Yes, I often listen to the BBC.
    Rosa: I do too. But I think the afternoon broadcast is … than the morning.
    Linda: You are right.

    a. as clear as
    b. clearer
    c. clearest
    d. clear
    Jawaban: b
    Siaran di sore hari lebih jelas (clearer) dari pada di pagi hari.

    27. Budi beats Hoyer-Larsen of Denmark at the Sanyo Indonesia Open Badminton Championships because he played … than Hoyer- Larsen

    a. carefully
    b. as carefully
    c. more carefully
    d. the most carefully
    Jawaban: c
    Bermain lebih berhati-hati (more carefully)

    28. Andy: Do you like pizza?
    Wiliam: No I don’t. How about you?
    Andy: ….

    a. I don’t either
    b. Neither don’t I
    c. I don’t too
    d. So do I
    Jawaban: a
    Either dan Neither di gunakan untuk kalimat negatif. Andy mengatakan ia juga tidak suka pizza. Bentuk eliptic yang tepat adalah / don’t either.

    29. Zack: …
    Smith: Neither can I.

    a. I can’t operate a computer.
    b. I like to write a letter.
    c. I don’t think he can do that.
    d. I am not going to go.
    Jawaban : a
    Smith menjawab aku tidak bisa. Kalimat ini mengungkapkan ketidakmampuan dengan menggunakan can’t. Maka kalimat sebelumnya (kalimat Zack) juga menggunakan can’t.

    30. Harry: I have never been to Bali. How about you?
    James: …

    a. I have too.
    b. I haven’t too.
    c. So have I.
    d. Neither have I.
    Jawaban : d
    James mengatakan bahwa ia juga belum pernah ke Bali. Bentuk elipticnya adalah Neither have I

    SUMBER : 


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